Summer & June News!

Welcome to our June Newsletter,

First and foremost, Happy Pride!

We aren’t just a bitters company. We “pride” ourselves in having an online space that aims to foster community and connection, open to people from all backgrounds. While we aren’t perfect, we strive everyday to leave our small corner of the world better than it was yesterday by providing an inclusive place for folks to learn about bitters, cocktails, and their history.

All this world really needs is kindness and understanding. The next time you meet someone who isn’t like you, extend a hand and say hello, let them know they’re seen. We make the most progress, when we do it together.


We have some great classes lined up you won’t want to miss!

From a special Summer Cocktail course on how to create drinks for summer entertaining, to our next Women in History Class; the DISCO ERA.

And yes, we’re hosting our VERY LAST in person class (for awhile) on Saturday June 10th at 6 pm, we’ll be making our favorite drink, the Old Fashioned.


It was a hard decision to make, but we’re moving out of our studio space to downsize a bit. This means we can’t take a lot of stuff with us, including: BITTERS, EXCESS COCKTAIL SUPPLIES, PLANTS, DECOR, TABLES, CHAIRS, SHELVING, CURTAINS, RUGS… AND MORE.

So, we’re having a MASSIVE sale. Everything will be marked down 50-75% off, and it’s all gotta go. We’ll be open to the public, & anyone is welcome.

  • When: Saturday, June 17th 11 am - 2 pm

  • Where: Bitters Lab Studio, 850 S. 400 W. Suite 106

If you would like to learn more about why we’re making this change, you can read the recent blog post we wrote about it.


Farmers Market Season

We are so excited, it’s our favorite time of year!

Our NINTH, and the Market’s 32nd Summer Farmers Market Seasonbegins at 8 am THIS SATURDAY, JUNE 3rd at Pioneer Park.

We’ll be in our usual spot, on the north east (300 East) side of the park. We can’t wait to see you!


NEW Bitters Lab Club™ Flavor

Our next Summer Bitters Lab Club™ flavor is…


To us, tropical flavors evoke the feeling of summer, and make us daydream of siping a cool, refreshing beverage on your patio with friends… a daydream that you can turn into a reality.

Mangoes are sweet and sour with an almost melon-like flavor, they also have a very intense floral and tropical aroma. The Thai Chili’s heat level sits somewhere between a jalapeño and habanero pepper.

Together, with its fruity taste, and extreme spiciness we think Mango & Thai Chili are a match made in heaven and perfect for summer recipes.



It’s salad season, so here is a different kind of recipe for you this month. A fabulous dressing for any kind of salad you feel like mixing up, or try using it as a marinade for grilled veggies or with your favorite protein!


4 TBS Olive oil
2 TBS Vinegar
2 TBS Rhubarb & Sea Salt Bitters
pinch of freshly chopped parsley

Shake all ingredients in a tightly sealed container. Let stand 10 minutes to blend flavors. Shake again & dress as desired.

Recommended veggies:
Butter lettuce, carrots, English peas, radish, citrus, English cucumber, fresh fruit, nuts or seeds, feta or goat crumbles, and add some freshly ground pepper to taste.


Updated Happy List!

xoxo, Andrea

newsletterBitters Lab